SIncLib Updated for A11

Mon Apr 12 2021

My Software Inc. code mod has been updated to be compatible with Alpha 11 version of the game. It can be downloaded from Steam Workshop here.

SIncLib (or Software Inc. Library) is a bunch of game play enhancing tools. This is the third release and the first for Alpha 11+. It has two features currently but I have plans to add more over time.

The first feature in this library is Team Manager. This is a tool that will optimise a software team by pulling staff from other teams if they have staff more suited to the current project. So, let's say you have a team developing a game that requires System, Audio and 2D specialised developers. If the team doesn't have those skills your game is going to suck. But what if you have those skills in your company already in other teams but you don't know where. The game currently doesn't make it easy to manage staff and find the right skills and this is where our tool comes in. Simply select the team you want to optimise, the teams you want to draw developers from and whether you want to adjust the HR settings to match. The tool will now move out developers not up to the job and replace them with employees with the right skills and in the right quantities.

The second feature enables out of stock notifications for products you didn't develop, such as products acquired in a takeover or products from an IP trade

Feedback and ideas very much appreciated.

GitHub for the project is here:

Software Inc