SIncLib Update

Wed Nov 09 2022

First new update to SIncLib for a while. I've added a new QOL feature that takes the micro management out of stock control. Admittedly, this may defeat the point of a management game but if you want to think less about stock control then this may be helpful! Once a product has been released and you have purchased your first batch of stock, this feature will monitor your stock levels and check if last months sales are greater than your current stock level + x%. You can set the percentage to whatever you want, say 200%. In this example, if you sell 10,000 copies last month, the mod will order enough new stock to take you up to 20,000. If you set the percentage to 50% then the mod will ensure you have 5,000 copies in stock. If you have product printers then it will send a job to the printers, otherwise it will just order copies. This also works for software that you have acquired through takeovers or IP purchases so can be quite useful at making sure you're not missing out on any extra sales! Get the mod on the Steam Workshop, here

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